Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day 63

THOUGHTS- Sydney. I flew down to Sydney today. Though I am still in the same country I been pretty excited. Travelling is always a lot of fun and I turn into a kid in a candy shop whenever I am somewhere new. And even though it is only a few hours by plane it feels like a totally different place. It's great to get away from things for a bit. I was so excited coming in to land. Though it was night time and there really wasn't much of the ciity that I could see at this time and it was straight to rehearsal for the show that I was down here to do. But it was still great to be in a new city. Got some really nice food and found a good little indian place around the corner from where I was staying that was understanding about what to add and what not to add to my dinner. It's also good to be doing more acting shows. Things are lookin pretty good and the guy that I am doing the show with is really nice and pretty talented too. Very excited as I crawl into bed and wonder what my first full day in Syndey is going to bring me.

CHALLENGES- Wanting to try new foods in a new city.

TRIUMPHS- Eating well even though I was in a new city.


BREAKFAST- 1 banana

1 glass soy milk.

Beetroot, carrot, ginger, celery and parsley juice

SNACK- 1 Pear

Mung Bean Sprouts

LUNCH- tin four bean mix

SNACK- 1/2 avocado

4 capsicum sticks and 4 cherry tomatos

DINNER- Basmati Rice

Mushroom Manak

Glass of Soy Good No Fat Soy Milk

EXCERCISE- Lots of walking

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