Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 46

THOUGHTS- Auckland Zoo. Today we went to Auckland Zoo and though I feel sad for animals not being in their natural habitat I also love the chance to be able to see them for real. And I did my research before going and the Auckland Zoo is big on conservation and have lots of funds that go towards saving animals. A lot of the animals they have are used for breeding and raising awareness. There was a giraffe there that was only a few weeks old and he was the cutest thing ever. I find animals so amazing and as much as I have learnt while trying to find out all about them there is still so much I don’t know. I love watching them and the traits they exhibit that aren’t too unlike our own. They have their own ways of communicating with each other, their own families and hierarchies. I could watch animals all day. It often puzzles me while watching them with their own little characteristics how people could kill them whether it be for sport, food or even just by clearing their habitat. When did we become so greedy that the lives of other beings no longer came into play.
Merekats are my favourite to watch. Just by watching them you can see the personalities come through. There was one that just sat on the log and sunned himself he was the lazy one, then there was the fat one that was always looking for food, the two younger ones that just wanted to play, then there was the sensible one who played sentry and stood at the highest point and watched out for danger. I know meerkats aren’t generally on the menu and they aren’t endangered but just watching their antics and the personalities they have makes me realize how similar all animals are. They have personalities, feelings, pain receptors and a survival instinct.
I had a great day I love days when I get to see animals. Also got to see the Kiwi Birds which was the main reason I wanted to go because we don’t have them in Australia. They were so cool. Their enclosure was really dark because they are nocturnal so I didn’t get any good photos. But I took heaps of the other animals. Then caught my flight back to Australia.

CHALLENGES- After spending my last amount of money at the zoo and not having much food leftover from the day before I was starving on the plane and for some reason they didn’t have any meal for me so they went and got some nut packets which were ok and breadrolls. I was so hungry it had been such a big day of walking and I ate them.  My first big slip up of the diet and I felt awful. Forty-Six days in and I messed it up. And bread doesn’t even taste good any more.

TRIUMPHS- Not craving bread. Not liking the taste. Noticing the changes that my body is making.


BREAKFAST- Organic tofu, white rice, olive oil and pepper.

SNACK- ½ soy latte
Vege sushi- capsicum, avocado and radish.

LUNCH- Indian Veg with Chickpeas and Rice.

SNACK- Nuts lots of packets. Small amount of lettuce and 3 Breadrolls 

DINNER- 1 potato cooked in olive oil. Very late.

EXERCISE- Walking around the zoo for hours.

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